Underdog Best Ball Mania IV Strategy: Roster Construction

May 16, 2023
Underdog Best Ball Mania IV Strategy: Roster Construction

Using 4for4’s Roster Construction Tool, we recently explored how many players you should draft at each position in Best Ball Mania IV. That laid the groundwork for how fantasy managers should be approaching Underdog drafts, but the Roster Construction Tool is even more powerful and can offer guidance on how those allocations best fit together across all positions.

For the purposes of this research, the primary metric used to measure success will be playoff advance rate over expectation. Best Ball Mania 1 had different playoff advance rates than BBM2 and BBM3 and this metric normalizes for those changes. (See full explanation here) Drafters should note that playoff advance rates are just one way to optimize for Best Ball Mania drafts. In the coming weeks and months, the 4for4 staff will provide more detailed analysis of how to cultivate draft strategy for this tournament.

More Best Ball Mania IV Strategy: Positional Allocation | How BBMIV Prizes Impact Draft Strategy | Week 17 Games to Target

Best Ball Resources: BBMIV Rankings | Underdog ADP | Roster Construction Tool | Advance Rate Explorer | 2023 Schedule Grid

Best Ball Mania leagues are half-PPR and start: QB, RB, RB, WR, WR, WR, TE, Flex (RB/WR/TE) with 18 total roster spots. There are no kickers or team defenses.

See all Underdog best ball rules here.

Roster Constructions Performing Over Expectation

Over the course of the three Best Ball Mania tournaments, there were only five roster constructions that offered advance rates at or above expectation in all three.

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