Waiver Wire Watch: Week 13

Nov 29, 2021
Waiver Wire Watch: Week 13

We’re nearing the end of bye weeks (thankfully), but we haven’t reached the finish line quite yet. Each of the next two weeks, four teams hit their byes, so with the fantasy playoffs looming (or starting), managers will need to be sharp about who to add, and how much to spend to add them. We have scoured the options and offer plenty of suggestions below. Hopefully one or two of these players can help push your team into the postseason.

Recommendations are based on a PPR-scoring, four-point passing touchdown, 12-team league, with roster percentages coming from Yahoo. Typically, we will not be writing up players who are rostered in over 50% of leagues. We may include them on the lists, though, as a friendly reminder to scan your waiver wire for those names. Free-agent budget recommendations are based on a standard $100 budget for the season. I try to mention when a player is a better streaming play (short-term/one-week starter) versus a long-term addition. Lastly, the great John Paulsen will edit this article every week and adjust rankings (and prices, starting next week), if necessary. Essentially, you’re getting two minds collaborating on this piece instead of one, so lucky you.

BYE WEEKS: Browns, Packers, Panthers, Titans

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