Top 200 Value Based Rankings

Congratulations! You're about to take a huge step forward in dominating your league by leveraging our Top 200 Value Based Rankings (VBR) customized for your starting lineup and core team needs.

Generic cheatsheets have their place, but to truly get a handle on a player's value, you have to account for your league's starting lineup requirements and scoring system.
Example: QBs are significantly more valuable in leagues that start two QBs than in leagues that only start one. WRs, TEs and pass-catching RBs get a boost in Point Per Reception (PPR) leagues.
Beyond the number of starters, our new dynamic Top 200 rankings can be used to rank players based on how you value your core roster.
Example: You may start two RBs in your league, however you may think a good core roster must have three quality RBs. With our customized Top 200 rankings, that's not a problem. Simply tell us you want to focus your team on three RBs (not two) and the system will optimize the overall ranking for you.
In addition to drafting, our Top 200 rankings can be used to evaluate trades. Just enter your league's settings and you'll see which player(s) hold the most value.
For a wider range of customization, you'll want to check our Full Impact Customized Scoring Tools.