How do I configure Full Impact to account for my bonuses?

An important concept to keep in mind is that Full Impact uses projected data (not data recorded after the fact like commish scoring systems). Huge difference! So, Full Impact will not have all the scoring features of your league. This is by design, because you are working with forecast data.

What we want to do is approximate the increased value a bonus gives to a stat.


If we were to apply a 3 point bonus at 300 passing yards and have two players projected like so:

Drew Brees - 301 PaYds
Matt Ryan - 299 PaYds

Brees would get 3 bonus points and Ryan 0.

However, this would be an incorrect approach. We are not predicting Drew Brees to pass for exactly 301 yards in every game; nor Matt Ryan to just miss the 300 yard mark in every game. Our projections indicate that both have around a 50% chance of hitting 300 passing yards in a given week.

How to account for a bonus:

The best way to account for the increased value a bonus gives is to increase the value of the stat. For all intents and purposes, the more of a certain stat (eg. PaYds) a player accumulates, the more likely they are to hit a cumulative bonus.

You can slightly weight your league towards a stat to approximate the value of a bonus. If you prefer to go this route, something like 19.5 or 19 passing yards per point (as opposed to 20) can approximate a small passing yardage bonus (1-3pts).

For rushing and receiving, setting rushing yards to 9.5 or 9.75 yards per point (as opposed to 10) can approximate a small yardage bonus.

Don’t build the full value of the bonus into the yardage, because most bonuses are relatively rare occurrences.

That said…

We should not overestimate the impact a small, or rarely hit bonus makes. Unless they are significant, it is generally best to simply leave bonuses out of your scoring rules at 100 yards or more for rushing/receiving and 300 yards or more for passing. It's relatively rare that players hit these bonuses, and factoring them in on draft day will rarely contribute a positive result. Your goal should be to draft the best players and let the bonuses sort themselves out.

For reference purposes, the tables below indicate the number of times the given passing, rushing and receiving bonuses have been hit from 2008-12 in 512 possible team games per season:

PaYd-250 PaYd-275 PaYd-300 PaYd-325 PaYd-350 PaYd-375 PaYd-400 PaYd-425 PaYd-450
2008 167 123 74 43 23 13 8 2 1
2009 195 144 102 62 38 22 7 4 2
2010 206 149 95 56 35 18 11 8 4
2011 228 169 118 79 52 28 18 4 3
2012 220 172 126 78 47 25 15 11 2
RuYds-75 RuYds-100 RuYds-125 RuYds-150 RuYds-175 RuYds-200
2008 254 130 55 21 9 3
2009 245 116 56 24 11 7
2010 229 125 56 17 5 1
2011 237 131 51 21 9 5
2012 239 123 45 24 13 8
RecYds-75 RecYds-100 RecYds-125 RecYds-150 RecYds-175 RecYds-200
2008 384 162 62 21 6 3
2009 388 163 73 28 14 5
2010 402 181 69 28 8 6
2011 440 192 85 30 6 3
2012 412 192 72 28 14 8

My league has a bonus for 100+ yards rushing or receiving and a bonus for 300+ yards passing. Is there anyway to incorporate this into Full Impact?